The signing of a preferential agreement between Spain and the European Common Market was on the horizon as a stepping stone towards full membership. This did not pass unnoticed by our co-operatives who saw the need to consolidate their position: either by means of separate development or by means of joint development with other manufacturing or financial enterprises.
Alkargo, T. Ochandiano (today Rochman), Batz, Coinma, Eredu, Biurrarena, Matz- Erreka, Egurko and Elkar all came on board.
Orona, which now had more than one hundred members, started work on its new factory to produce lifts, whilst Alecop began building work on its new blocks to house offices and workshops, on land next to Eskola.
Comerco was set up, which the following year would change its name to Eroski, a co-operative that combines worker-members and consumer members. he merger of five consumer cooperatives was behind this new set-up.